About «UMACS Marine» PC

«UMACS Marine» PC («Ukrainian Marine and Cargo Surveyors») is a privately owned Ukrainian company which was established in October 2009 after reorganization of the company «UMCS Co. Ltd.», registered as a limited company in December 1995.
«UMCS Co. Ltd.» was established on the basis of the Survey Department of «DIAS Marine Consultants Co. Ltd.» (from October 2009 is reorganized to «DIAS Marine Consulting» PC) which is correspondent of leading P&I Clubs in the Black Sea ports of the Ukraine.
Our proud is our staff — skilled marine and cargo surveyors providing their qualified services in different areas of maritime business for and on behalf of Ship Owners, Operators, Managers, Charterers and their P&I Clubs at Odessa, Ilyichevsk, Yuzhny and Nikolayev.
- on/off-hire survey;
- bunker survey;
- draught survey;
- weather deck openings survey
(including Ultra-sonic testing of hatchcovers for watertightness); - survey of general cargoes;
- survey of bulk cargoes;
- steel pre-shipment survey;
- survey of refrigerated cargoes;
- service for container lines;
- survey of containers;
- investigation of P&I matters;
- tally service.

«UMACS Marine» renders its service on round-the-clock basis even on week-ends and public holidays. We guarantee the performing of all works by experienced staff and under the requirements of international maritime business.
Quick reaction to each request is under our warranty. Our clients will be informed at any time about the development of the matter in question. We ensure always to be on the guard of interests of our clients.